Before leaving
If you are thinking of leaving an abusive partner - here are some tips to protect you and your interests:
1) Speak to a lawyer ASAP - book our free chat or call Legal Aid or your local Community Legal Centre. Do not take legal advice from your partner (or friends, family etc).
2) Safe email: Set up a new email on a device that you know to be safe (such as a friend's phone or a library computer). Only access when you know your device is safe.
3) Documents. Collect and/or save copies/take photos of all financial & important documents (yours & your partner's): bank statements, superannuation, company docs, shares, pay slips, passports and birth certificates, car rego etc.
4) If safe, you may be able to stay in your home and have the abuser leave. Speak to women's services / lawyer about your options.
5) Financial support on leaving. See our resources for financial and other assistance.
After ending the relationship:
Safe self:
If you have ended your relationship - do not ever be alone with your ex, even if you think he is ok. If he wants to discuss the kids or property settlement, do so through your lawyer, email, or in a safe place with other people present.
Safe devices:
Download Malwarebytes - and check your devices for surveillance such as trackers or key loggers.
Cyber safety - on a safe device (you are 100% sure he is not tracking) change all your passwords on your bank accounts, emails, social media, apps, subscriptions.